Friday, March 7, 2008

Real Estate and the Internet: Technology Kicks Down the Door of the Housing Market

For years we all heard, "It's coming!" Technology is coming and it will forever change real estate as we know it. Guess what, Realtors, technology has BEEN here for years and it will continue changing the market as we know it. I, for one, think that's great.

The market is changing, we all know that. Baby Boomers are being replaced by Generation X and Y-ers as the new consumers. So why is it that all the new tech "tips and tricks" geared for Realtors have been focused on Baby Boomer agents? This industry has long been dominated by a slightly older demographic. To hear that an agent has 20+ years of experience is not an uncommon thing. However, with the changing landscape of both the real estate market and the American consumer, isn't it time for an industry face lift?

Again, it's happening already. There will always be a place of the 20+ year agent. They, obviously, have a ton of experience and an be valuable resources. However, I personally know that MY clients are looking for someone a little younger, a little more hip, and much, much more technology savvy. Someone who not only does business mobiley via email and text, but can't think of another way you would do business. In fact, the term "Internet savvy" or "tech savvy" is really just a moniker for Baby Boomers who "get it." What self-respecting Gen Y'er would ever utter the lame words, "I'm extremely Internet savvy!" Of course, they're Internet savvy. It's all they've ever known. Gen X-ers, though we loathe the title...and, honestly, all titles, were the first to truly adopt the Internet and other new media devices. We grew up with video game consoles, portable music players and the earlier versions of the cell phone. The brand new options, whether an iPod, iPhone, tablet PC, or PlayStation Portable (PSP), are really just improvements on those humble beginnings. To upgrade from a walkman to a discman to an iPod isn't just logical, it's seamless. There is no learning curve.

Gen Y is beyond that. They never knew a life without all our current toys. There is no adaptation or adoption time, a new media device comes out and Gen Y just has to have it...and intuitively understands it.

My point is, technology has already changed the face of the real estate consumer. Isn't it time our industry recognizes this and catches up? Nothing's worse than an industry that lags behind it's target audience.

In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to sit back and reap the benefits of not only understanding, but BELONGING to the "new generation".

So next time you send me a message needing to know the square footage of that home you drove by, don't be surprised when 5 minutes later I text you the answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.